05 May 2006

BDA (Beaner Damage Assesment) of Operation Gringo Grinder

(Just in time for the mexican holiday, Holda da Mayo...)

I wanted to wait a little while for somebody besides the political haymakers to tell us what the REAL impact of the MayDay Billion-Beaner Boycott is... (besides reports of commutes in LA-LA Land and other cities being 0.5 to 1.5 HOURS SHORTER without all the brokedick low-riders and truckloads of the invading hordes fucking up traffic!!!) before I posted on it.

As it turns out, virtually all of the places that were shut down, were done so by management collaborators so employees could get to protests. Speaking of protests, seems that for the most part crowds were a lot smaller than predicted. Organizers were reportedly spacing people out so the crowds would appear bigger on the tube and in pictures. Produce prices didn't spike. Economies didn't crash and it appears the biggest effect it has had so far is to polarize MORE people to the "We gotta quit fucking around and build a wall on the border and put snipers, machine guns and ninjas on top of it" crowd.

(And shorter commute times...)

The other day, one of the head Congress Critters (don't matter much which one, they're all the same species of lowlife, lying parasite, but I seem to recall this one had "R" after his name) was asked about what was happening with the "immigration bill" that they have made such stunningly no progress on, said in effect (and I'm paraphrasing here):

"Since we in congress are nothing more than a bunch of self-serving, power-mad, intoxicated by our authority, lying, thieving bastards that could care less about the general populace as long as we keep them fat, dumb and stupid and they continue to maintain us in our priviledged ruling class positions over the peasants with their vote...

And knowing that if we talk loud and long enough about something it will appear to the ignorant masses, if they look up from American Idiots long enough, that we are doing everything in our power to do something about the problem, when in fact, we still haven't done a fucking thing and won't do anything until we figure out how We, The Powerful, can profit most from it...

And since I'm out here shoveling shit, we expect to do something before Memorial Day break, but don't hold your breath. More likely, this will placate the peons and get them off our backs for a little while, and then after more fucking off, we'll tell you we'll get something done when we get back from break.

And besides, we know that which ever side does the best job of hispandering can count on 12+ million new votes in the next election, and with things being so 50-50 the last few times out, we need every vote we can buy." (well, mebbe not EXACTLY those words, but that is what he meant...)

More and more frustrated people, tired of waiting for the gummint to do the blatently obvious, are getting on board with The Minuteman Project, contractors offering Skilled Legal labor and building equipment, others offering supplies by the truck load, land owners along the border are donating the needed space on their property. Others are donating funding or their time to work on the fence.

Maricopa County, AZ. Sheriff Joe Arpaio, tired of waiting on the feds, has taken an Old West Common Sense Blunt-Instrument approach to the problem. He has organized a posse to patrol his part of the border and arrest the criminals as they're sneaking in and charging them under new state laws. And you won't be hearing any excuses about "lack of holding space". This is the same guy who ran outta jail space, and citing that if tent barracks and field kitchens, no cable tv or a/c is good enough for our troops, it's good enough for his inmates, and proceeded to erect Tent City. And work is already underway on expanding it for an expected influx of inmates.

The soultion is a simple two step process: 1: Build walls and post armed guards to secure the borders. 2: Round up all the illegal invaders and toss their asses over the walls telling them if they want back in, they can go to the gate and sign the guest book and pick up the proper application forms. (Start with the easy ones first, they were nice enough to come out Monday and have their pictures taken for easy ID)

Yes, it is gonna cost a boat-load of money to build 8-odd thousand miles of fence, and for men and gear to round up and transport 12+ million criminals the hell outta Dodge, but, there is a MAJOR upside most people don't realize:

Once these 12+ million criminals have been tossed over the wall, they won't be sucking up BILLIONS of tax dollars in free aid the are currently stealing, i.e. Food Stamps, Medi-care, their kids getting a free education on our dime, seeking routine medical care in the most expensive place to be treated, the E.R. and stick the hospital with the bill which they pass off to insurance companies who then raise their rates. Not having auto insurance, same as with the hospitals, auto insurance co.'s pass their cost on to the paying customers.

And as a friend pointed out, if they get their "amnesty"... BAM!!! 12+ million more people get access to the already broke Social Security system. "Been here only a few months illegally?? No Problem!! You have the same claim as a CITIZEN who has worked 50+ years on the American Dream!!" (Not that S.S. is the American dream...) Not to mention not having to print every-fucking-thing TWICE!!! (I've gotten to the point I just rip manuals in half and toss the beaner-speak part I paid extra for but can't even use as ass-wipe 'cuz it's too rough)

And let's not forget about how many murderers and multi-murderers of American Citizens that are sitting safely in mexico, free from extradition worries, that never would have been here in the first place if there'd been a wall and all the future Ted Bundy-wannabes it'll keep out.

Speaking of the worse brands of criminal, how many illegals are being housed in a/c'd, color tv'd cells on our tax dime every year that we could just swing by and pick up on a border run. We know RIGHT where they are at, and how many tens of thousands of dollars can we put back on the books for how many tens of thousands of convicts we toss over the wall??

And don't forget the mexi-gov't. thumbing their noses at us and laughing their asses off at the $20 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR that illegals send back to mexico for them to loot that will go back in the till once we give 'em the heave ho...

The program would start to pay for it's own construction and operating costs in next to no time, but it makes too much sense so it'll never happen.

My prediction: There will be America Citizens working for either The Minute Men, or Sheriff Joe who will be arrested and charged by the feds before they will do anything serious about illegal aliens.

(Full Disclosure: I'm not sure if it was 3x or 4x removed Grandfather (on Dad's side) that stowed away three times from Paris to The U.S.A., busted and deported first 2 times and managed to get thru on the third try because being in France "sucks worse than anything that has ever sucked before"(true quote, my great-grandmother showed me his journal... honest injun...), but my family has served this country's military in times of peace and war since "The War Between The States", so I think we've paid the price of admission. And besides, faced with the choice of being in Frogistan and and risking your life hiding in the foul bilges of three leaky-ass ships on the perilous trans-North Atlantic crossing to get here, what would you do??)


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