28 December 2007

Failing To See The Downside...

So, some cock-knocker named Dave Lindorff has penned an article about how Goreballs Warming and the coming inundation of flood waters from the melting ice caps will put an end to us Red Staters keeping him and his commie hippy-type pinko fag buddies down.... Moron seems to have forgotten one teeny-tiny little detail in his fantasy....

Between Red Staters and The Military, (who by and large are Red Staters), we have the best toys to take what we need to continue our way of life. And if we have to kick some hippy ass and take tree-hugger names, well, a global natural disaster would be just the excuse we've been looking for...

But using their own information to form projections, IF the seas rise 100 meters, these maps show that the hardest hit areas will be some of their favorite stomping grounds...

AND, it will be a 10 minute drive from the crib to the beach, and an hour drive to my newly formed beach front vacation property, or a days boat trip down the coast to get there...

So somebody tell me why this isn't a WIN - WIN situation???

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