That Nigger's Crazy

I remember a time long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, when I was a teenager. And I had recently obtained that marvel of modern technology, a portable cassette player/recorder, similar to this one...

And I also remember one of the first tapes I bought that I basically had to smuggle into the house because Dad would not approve of it because...
A: Richard Pryor was a nigger...
B: Richard Pryor was a profane nigger.
So I remember playing the tape with the volume down at a barely audible level, holding the speaker up to my ear, and trying to suppress my giggling like a 'tard in a helmet so I wouldn't be heard and have my comedic transgression exposed.
Now, 28 years later, I can laugh my ass off as loud as I want to one of the funniest motherfuckers on the planet, and thanks to the intarweb and youtoob, I can share teh funneh with the rest of you morons...
I really hate to tell you this...but here goes: You still look like a "tard in a helmet".
Love ya
All over this country, there are thousands of wannabe comedians that would sell their soul to be a tenth as good as Richard Pryor...
And here you are tryin' to be funny....
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