17 April 2007

Center Fucking Mass

(Thanks to Gearhard over at The Rott)

Properly invoked invective is a beautiful thing, especially when it's used to smack a fucktard square between the eyes with a Clue By Four Of Doom...

33 Dead at Virginia Tech - UPDATED

April 16, 2007 at 8:59 pm · Filed under BullsEye, Gonzo's Bar & Go-Go Grill

Back In January, a bill died in the State legislature… well, you read it…

Gun bill gets shot down by panel
HB 1572, which would have allowed handguns on college campuses, died in subcommittee.

By Greg Esposito

A bill that would have given college students and employees the right to carry handguns on campus died with nary a shot being fired in the General Assembly.

House Bill 1572 didn’t get through the House Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety. It died Monday in the subcommittee stage, the first of several hurdles bills must overcome before becoming laws.

The bill was proposed by Del. Todd Gilbert, R-Shenandoah County, on behalf of the Virginia Citizens Defense League. Gilbert was unavailable Monday and spokesman Gary Frink would not comment on the bill’s defeat other than to say the issue was dead for this General Assembly session.

Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker was happy to hear the bill was defeated. “I’m sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly’s actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus.”

Del. Dave Nutter, R-Christiansburg, would not comment Monday because he was not part of the subcommittee that discussed the bill.

Most universities in Virginia require students and employees, other than police, to check their guns with police or campus security upon entering campus. The legislation was designed to prohibit public universities from making “rules or regulations limiting or abridging the ability of a student who possesses a valid concealed handgun permit … from lawfully carrying a concealed handgun.”

The legislation allowed for exceptions for participants in athletic events, storage of guns in residence halls and military training programs.

Last spring a Virginia Tech student was disciplined for bringing a handgun to class, despite having a concealed handgun permit. Some gun owners questioned the university’s authority, while the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police came out against the presence of guns on campus.

In June, Tech’s governing board approved a violence prevention policy reiterating its ban on students or employees carrying guns and prohibiting visitors from bringing them into campus facilities.

I really don’t think I need to elaborate beyond my emphasis in the story, do I?

UPDATE: I guess I do.

I’m sorry - I guess I should make myself clear so I don’t get snark letters.

Yes, you gun-grabbing, libtard fucks, I blame you. I blame Sarah Brady and you you other weak-sister statist cockroaches who ought to be snuffed out so free people can live free. You bedwetting, sanctimonious, preening fuckweasels, as far as I am concerned, have blood on your hands and are culpable in these murders.

This is what happens, you mental defectives, when you disarm people and then fucking advertise it. It’s canned fucking hunting for the goblins out there.

One person armed. Two rounds of .45 ACP dead center body mass. And that would have ended it. And all your wailing, pissing and moaning, and doomsaying about “The Wild West” is bullshit. Every one of your precious fucking “Gun Free Cities” is a fucking cesspool of murder - and where people are allowed to carry guns, moreso when concealed, moreso when “Stand Your Ground” laws are in effect, the fucking murder rate drops to astonishingly low levels. Why? Think about it for a minute, Captain Obvious - would you go into some place and so much as pull out a stick if you thought a good chunk of people there might be armed and inclined to blow your ass to the Hell you so richly deserve to burn in?

Do you get it now, El Stupido? Do I have to break out the son-of-a-bitching crayolas for you, lump of fucking coal for brains?

People who get guns generally learn how to use them. We take courses. We build our skills. I know it’s hard to comprehend since blobs of quivering, useless, fucking protoplasm like yourselves tend to piss down your legs and collapse in heaps of moaning lard when junior goes “bang bang” with one of his blocks, but we learn to use our tools, so that Pray Jesus God we never have to use them - but if we have to, we can. Unlike you, you limp-wristed, puling gang of fucking pussies.

33 people dead. Because shit-for-brains candy-asses like you have decided it is too risky to allow people to defend themselves and be responsible for their own safety. I hope the wailing of their ghosts, and the crying of their loved ones haunt you for a long fucking time.

And there is not enough bleach in the world to wash the blood off your hands. You all make me fucking sick. Piss on the whole sorry and sanctimonious lot of you.

And as if I couldn’t get any more worked up and frothing at the mouth, I see on the news a bunch of mewling scared bunnies talking about how this underlines a need for a more serious dialog about gun control. Well, you have it half-right, you pustulant pantywastes; thing is what needs to be done to make it more serious is for you fucktards to cure your cranio-rectal inversion. I wonder if enough Swats of Gonz’s Patented Clue-By-Four O’Doom might serve to extricate your collective heads from your collective asses long enough for you to - for once - consider that you might be not only wrong, but that doing the same old thing over and over is more than fucking stupid as a sack of hammers, but counterproductive as well?

All your precious gun-grabbing laws did fuck all to keep guns out of the hands of this clown. You have a 2600 acre campus, and the on-site campus police were useless - FUCKING USELESS - in keeping this guy from butchering almost three dozen people. (And yet you butt-nuggets persist in the idiotic belief that an even more over-worked and thin spread police force in a city will insure your safety). In fact, all they did was insure that people who could otherwise legally carry guns - you know, the people who are inclined to obey the law, instead of ignore it and blow away 33 people - were helpless to protect anyone.

“But, there’s no evidence of that, Gonz…” No? NO, YOU PRATTLING IMBECILE?!?!?! Au contraire. I beg to differ. Excuse me whilst I channel Rush Limbaugh and post here what I have in my currently nicotine stained fingers. Ahem. From the Roanoake Times (Same place, amazing what you can find browsing a site.)

Unarmed and vulnerable

Bradford B. Wiles

Wiles, of New Castle, is a graduate student at Virginia Tech.

On Aug. 21 at about 9:20 a.m., my graduate-level class was evacuated from the Squires Student Center. We were interrupted in class and not informed of anything other than the following words: “You need to get out of the building.”

Upon exiting the classroom, we were met at the doors leading outside by two armor-clad policemen with fully automatic weapons, plus their side arms. Once outside, there were several more officers with either fully automatic rifles and pump shotguns, and policemen running down the street, pistols drawn.

It was at this time that I realized that I had no viable means of protecting myself.

Please realize that I am licensed to carry a concealed handgun in the commonwealth of Virginia, and do so on a regular basis. However, because I am a Virginia Tech student, I am prohibited from carrying at school because of Virginia Tech’s student policy, which makes possession of a handgun an expellable offense, but not a prosecutable crime.

I had entrusted my safety, and the safety of others to the police. In light of this, there are a few things I wish to point out.

First, I never want to have my safety fully in the hands of anyone else, including the police.

Second, I considered bringing my gun with me to campus, but did not due to the obvious risk of losing my graduate career, which is ridiculous because had I been shot and killed, there would have been no graduate career for me anyway.

Third, and most important, I am trained and able to carry a concealed handgun almost anywhere in Virginia and other states that have reciprocity with Virginia, but cannot carry where I spend more time than anywhere else because, somehow, I become a threat to others when I cross from the town of Blacksburg onto Virginia Tech’s campus.

Of all of the emotions and thoughts that were running through my head that morning, the most overwhelming one was of helplessness.

That feeling of helplessness has been difficult to reconcile because I knew I would have been safer with a proper means to defend myself.

I would also like to point out that when I mentioned to a professor that I would feel safer with my gun, this is what she said to me, “I would feel safer if you had your gun.”

The policy that forbids students who are legally licensed to carry in Virginia needs to be changed.

I am qualified and capable of carrying a concealed handgun and urge you to work with me to allow my most basic right of self-defense, and eliminate my entrusting my safety and the safety of my classmates to the government.

This incident makes it clear that it is time that Virginia Tech and the commonwealth of Virginia let me take responsibility for my safety.

But, if that’s not enough, look what Larry Hincker had to say a few days later. Yes, that Larry-fucking-Hincker. The same stupid motherfucker who was talking about how “safe” everyone would “feel.” And yes, that is stupid motherfucker as in your fellow gun-grabbing fascist cocksucker.

Imagine if students were armed

Larry Hincker

Hincker is the associate vice president for university relations at Virginia Tech.

Funny how “Virginia Tech” keeps popping up

After the fear, and dare I say, panic from the events of Aug. 21, it is absolutely mind-boggling to see the opinions of Bradford Wiles (”Unarmed and vulnerable,” Aug. 31).

Someone disagreeing with you, eh wot? Not something you’re used to in your echo-chamber ivory tower, is it?

I once worked for an out-of-touch manager who gave rather absurd directions. My colleagues and I would do as directed and dubbed it “malicious compliance,” knowing the task to be inane and the manager’s foibles would soon be apparent.

Which is why you’re now a drone in academia, parroting the bullshit party line. Now we know what the training to be a brain-dead liberal assmaggot is.

The editors of this page must have printed this commentary if for no other reason than malicious compliance. Surely, they scratched their heads saying, “I can’t believe he really wants to say that.”

I’m scratching my head wondering how anyone as fucking butt-stupid as yourself survived to adulthood, let alone made vice-president of so much as shit-shoveling. If I was your father, I’d have drowned you long ago.

Wiles tells us that he didn’t feel safe with the hundreds of highly trained officers armed with high powered rifles encircling the building and protecting him. He even implies that he needed his sidearm to protect himself against the officers.

They were really fucking effective Monday, weren’t they, teach? 33 instances of “Safe.” If that’s your idea of safe, fuckwidget, shove it up your ass.

On that fateful Monday, campus was understandably on edge. Elvis-type sightings of the escaped prisoner around campus were rampant. People were legitimately concerned about where he might be. And although the police were relatively confident they had the suspect cornered (they were ultimately proved right), the anxiety level elsewhere on campus was very high.

Panic calls from within the Squires Student Center quickly morphed from facts into rumors, including a frantic call alleging a hostage situation. The police had no choice but to move a massive force from the manhunt site to that side of campus to deal with the hostage rumor.

And this has WHAT do do with your point? Or do you just like to hear your “Hey, my ideas got 33 people FUCKING KILLED” brand of wisdom repeated out loud in your own dulcet tones? I’m sure you’re in love with yourself. I hope so, then at least someone would, because I’m sure the families of 33 dead people would like to see you in a gibbet with the crows pecking out the eyes from your decaying corpse. I know I would.

The writer would have us believe that a university campus, with tens of thousands of young people, is safer with everyone packing heat. Imagine the continual fear of students in that scenario. We’ve seen that fear here, and we don’t want to see it again.

How about inagining the fear of students sitting helpless like fish in a fucking barrel in a chained up building while someone blew their asses away thanks to your inane and fascist policies? How about that, Larry? Huh? No answer? Fuck you.

Who among us thinks the writer of the commentary would not have been directly in harm’s way if he showed himself to those tactical squads while displaying a deadly weapon? Would he even be here today to tell us the story? Contrary to his position, the writer’s commentary actually gives credence to the university policy preventing weapons in classrooms.

The writer of this, after putting the aforementioned two rounds of .45 ACP squarely center body mass, would probably do what I would do - set his weapon down, and sit away from it so he wouldn’t be a fucking accident. You’re projecting your stupidity, Larry.

Guns don’t belong in classrooms. They never will. Virginia Tech has a very sound policy preventing same.

Worked real well, didn’t it, you moronic baboon?

So, I am sick to death of the Sarah Brady crowd and their bleating about”Gun Control.” Gun control is about using two hands to steady your aim. Had anyone with a modicum of training been available, this would have ended a lot quicker and a lot less bloody.

So stop writing me dumb shit about how this would have been prevented with more “Gun Control.” We have thosands of useless gun control out there now. It never takes guns out of the hands of the people you are worried about, but only out of the hands of people who might do you some good.

33 People. Christ on a crutch. Totally preventable if you assbags would stop trying to castrate America - and American men especially. Take your gun control and stick it up your ass - sideways. Want my guns?

Come get them. You can have the bullets first, then if you are still above room temperature you are welcome to pry them out of my cold and stiff fingers. Think for a minute though, dumbass, that I and people like me might be a lot better at this violence thing than you sissies. Like Brad Wiles, I choose to be responsible for my own safety, since you fucks are worthless as is self evident.

And bring body bags.

Lots and lots of body bags.



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