26 January 2008

Country Folks Can Survive

Seems like most of the bloggers I get my current events from have decided that this Republic is going down the shitter because not one of the sumbitches running for POTUS is worth the powder is would take to blow then up...

And they are right... None of the scumbags are worth a vote... All we have is someone to vote AGAINST, and that shit is bullshit... Who do we have to kill, what underage virgins do we have to rape, what goats do we have to sacrifice to get someone worthy of running this country???

Fred didn't have the fire in his belly... Fred didn't want the job...

The LAST motherfucker we want as CINC is someone who wants the job...

It is six of one, half a dozen of another in this fuckin' circus... Both parties are two sides of the same fucking coin.... Nothing but "How can I fuck over the peons to gain the most for me" power mad, scum suckin, pole smokin, fuck you and your's, feltching assholes.

So in that vein, I offer this rebuttal of what flyover America has to say about the games politicians play...

Y'all do what ya' wanna do... We'll be here to un-fuck what you try to fuck up... Remember, we got most of the guns....


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